Sunday Service
We have a service every Sunday morning from 9:30 am. It is a time to come together to hear God’s word and how that applies to the life we live and to eternal life.
We have music, and prayer time and you can have a casual chat over a cuppa after the service. Wherever you are at with knowing Jesus you are welcome to come along, check us out, and enjoy the fellowship every Sunday at 9:30 am or watch the service online on Youtube.

Messy Church
Church for families, all ages welcome and all relatives welcome. An opportunity for families to learn about God and worship God together, within a community of other families. The families engage with a Bible story through several fun, age-appropriate crafts before heading into celebration time. Celebration time is inclusive of a simple, interactive message, aimed at the kids, about the Bible story, as well as singing, prayer and loads of fun. After celebration time, the families enjoy dinner and dessert together and some free time outside. Messy Church runs on the third Sunday of each month from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
The cost is $3 per person or $10 for a whole family.

Kids Church
Church for kids, this ministry is designed for primary school but is flexible so pre-schoolers are welcome. An opportunity for kids to learn about God, worship God and grow in their faith. The kids enjoy singing, group games, bible stories, bible memorisation games, prayer and being a part of a community. Kids church occurs at the same time as our 9:30 am Sunday service.

A community for parents and carers of 0-5 year-olds. An opportunity for kids to socialise, explore and learn as well as an opportunity for parents and carers to socialise, support and encourage one another. The kids enjoy outside play, crafts, singing, storytime, morning tea (provided by the parents and carers) and inside play.
Playgroup runs every Tuesday from 10 am to 12 pm during school terms and costs an initial $10 to join and then $2 per child each time they come.

Girls Brigade
An opportunity for girls aged 5 to 18 years to learn new skills and make lifelong friends. The girls have dedicated leaders who support and encourage them, share God’s word with them and teach them about a range of different topics through lots of fun experiences and activities. The cost for Girls Brigade is $150 for registration and $30 per term.
Girls Brigade happens every Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm during school terms.

CAP Money Course
If you have trouble budgeting and with money management, we can arrange a course for you to provide skills to tackle these issues.
For more information contact Leonie at cap@ingleburnbaptist.com.au

Know your Bible is a lady’s Bible Study, with the aim of bringing ladies closer to God. It is also a wonderful fellowship and support network for women.
These ladies meet weekly every Thursday from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.

Youth Hangouts
An opportunity for those in years 6 to 12 at school to hang out with friends, play games and chat about life. Everyone is welcome to bring a snack to share.
Youth Games Nights run on the first Friday of the month, from 6 pm to 9 pm.

Prayer Meeting
Open to all, we meet every Thursday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. We pray for our community and give thanks to God for what he has provided.

Growth Group
We have small groups that meet in people’s homes on a weekly basis. They study the bible, pray and provide care for one another. Ask for more informaiton.

Please contact us.
Pastor Steve Rodda
Phone: 02 9829 1706
Email: pastor@ingleburnbaptist.com.au